September 13, 2024

Building Success Through Collaboration: An Interview with Nick Ford

Can you tell us a little about your background and how you came to join IDT global?

I’ve been at IDT for 24 years, a substantial part of my working life. After returning from a period in the Financial Services industry overseas, I joined the telecoms industry in 1997. At that time, the UK telecoms industry was going through deregulation, which offered many opportunities. I worked for several companies offering telecom services to corporations before moving into Wholesale Voice. The global aspect of this industry appealed to me, and IDT, with its strong retail base, seemed like a great place to be.

What are the key values that drive our company culture?

We have a very flat management structure at IDT global, and I believe in giving people the same opportunities that IDT gave me. We promote from within, give people the flexibility they need, and try to have some fun along the way. Collaboration is at the heart of what we do – the team really works together to find the best outcome. Integrity is another cornerstone, as we believe in doing the right thing and being transparent. Empowerment is crucial, as we strive to give people the opportunity to grow and take on new challenges. I can’t praise the team highly enough – their dedication and teamwork are truly exceptional! 

What is your leadership philosophy, and how do you apply it in your role as President? My leadership philosophy centres around doing right by people and fostering their growth opportunities. At IDT global, we prioritise attitude when bringing new team members aboard, believing strongly in “hire for attitude and train for skill.” This approach has proven successful, resulting in a team of highly skilled individuals with exceptional attitude and dedication.

What steps does IDT global take to ensure we are meeting and exceeding customer expectations?
We have robust systems in place to ensure our customer service response times meet our high standards. We address issues promptly and keep our customers and partners well-informed throughout the process. This commitment to excellent service often transforms our strongest relationships into lasting friendships. Our approach is to be proactive and transparent, ensuring that we exceed expectations and build trust with every interaction.

What are your top priorities for IDT global in the next year, and how do you envision the company’s growth and expansion over the next five years?

Our top priority for the next year is to continue focusing on the business every day, leveraging our global relationships, and introducing new products and services that benefit both us and our partners. We believe that by staying closely connected with our partners and understanding their needs, we can introduce innovative solutions that drive mutual success.

Looking ahead over the next five years, we envision significant growth and expansion through the introduction of new IDT services such as SMS, A2P Firewalls, IDT Retail service, Zendit, and Tranzmit as well as the Net 2 Phone CCaaS and UCaaS suite.  These products have the potential to substantially increase the size of our business with our partners, leading to greater success for everyone involved. By continuously evolving and expanding our offerings, we aim to strengthen our position in the market and create new opportunities for growth.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your role at IDT global so far?

Seeing so many team members step up, work hard, and bring new opportunities has been incredibly rewarding. Their dedication and effort make a real difference, not just in terms of business growth, but in fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. Watching individuals grow in their roles, take on new challenges, and succeed has been a pleasure. It’s a testament to the culture we’ve built at IDT.

Do you have any hobbies or activities that help you unwind and stay focused?

I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, particularly when it comes to riding and racing motorcycles. I’ve got the bumps and bruises to prove it! These experiences have taught me resilience and the thrill of pushing boundaries, much like the challenges at work. While the challenges of work are fulfilling, it’s equally important to find time to unwind and recharge.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your journey or the future of IDT global?

I’ve been very fortunate at IDT. They’ve given me the opportunity to build a global team and travel the world, experiences that have been incredibly rewarding both professionally and personally. The opportunities I’ve had here have been instrumental in my growth, and I’m excited that the same opportunities continue to exist at IDT for the next generation. It’s a place where ambitious individuals can truly thrive, innovate, and make a significant impact on a global scale.

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